

Date: 2014-09-04

Type of information: Commercialisation agreement

Compound: in vitro diagnostic (IVD) immunohistochemistry (IHC) RabMAb® primary antibody portfolio

Company: Abcam (UK) Cell Marque (USA - CA)

Therapeutic area: Diagnostic

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* On September 4, 2014, Abcam, a global leader in the manufacture and supply of innovative protein research tools and services, and Cell Marque Corporation, a provider of antibodies and reagents for diagnostic immunohistochemistry, announced they have signed a global 10-year strategic marketing agreement for Abcam’s in vitro diagnostic (IVD) immunohistochemistry (IHC) RabMAb® primary antibody portfolio. Under the agreement, Cell Marque will apply its IVD expertise to incorporate Abcam’s IVD IHC RabMAb primary antibodies into its portfolio and use its established distribution channels to distribute them to the global market. The agreement will give customers faster, easier access to Abcam’s high-quality antibodies.

The antibodies use Abcam’s powerful RabMAb technology offering superior binding affinity and specificity, and have been specifically developed to provide high-quality results to pathology laboratories for immunohistochemical staining of formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue.


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Is general: Yes