

Date: 2014-09-02

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: S-TIR™ technology

Company: Allergopharma, the Merck Business Unit Allergy (Germany) S-TARget therapeutics (Austria)

Therapeutic area: Allergic diseases - Immunological diseases

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* On September 2, 2014, Allergopharma, the Merck Business Unit Allergy, and S-TARget therapeutics, an Austrian biotechnology company which develops therapeutic preparations for all forms of allergies, have signed an exclusive licensing agreement. The main focus of this cooperation is the use of S-TARget S-TIR™ technology and the associated development of a new generation of products for the causal treatment of allergies. The parties have agreed on confidentiality regarding the general terms and financial details of the transaction.
With the signing of the agreement, Allergopharma gains worldwide rights for the development and marketing of the envisaged products on the basis of S-TARget‘s S-TIR™ technology platform. Through this partnership, Allergopharma is investing more heavily in research, with the objective of developing a new generation of products for specific allergy therapeutics.

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Is general: Yes