

Date: 2014-08-21

Type of information: Termination of an agreement

Compound: medical product to treat fungal infections

Company: Acrux (Australia) Hexima (Australia)

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases

Type agreement:

termination of an agreement

Action mechanism:

Disease: fungal diseases


*On August 21, 2014, Acrux has provided an update of the Hexima collaboration. In November 2013 Accrux had entered into a collaboration agreement with Hexima to develop and commercialise a medical product to treat fungal infections. In February 2014 it was announced that encouraging data had been generated, that the next stage of product development had been initiated, and that patent applications were being prepared. Acrux recently filed an Australian provisional patent application to protect the joint rights of Acrux and Hexima to the intellectual property resulting to date from the collaboration. Hexima has subsequently advised that it considers the collaborative venture to have concluded and, that it may not wish to further explore commercialisation of the antifungal medical product with Acrux. Acrux considers the best way to commercialise the technology remains through the collaboration agreement with Hexima and is continuing to press for this to occur.

Financial terms:

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Is general: No