

Date: 2014-08-06

Type of information: Development agreement

Compound: LS-008

Company: Yabao Pharmaceutical (China) Changzhou Le Sun Pharmaceuticals (China)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement:

development agreement

Action mechanism:

LS-008 is a PLK/PI3K dual inhibitor.



* On August 6, 2014, Yabao Pharmaceutical, a leading pharmaceutical company in China, announced a strategic partnership with Changzhou Le Sun Pharmaceuticals co-develop Le Sun\'s leading PLK/PI3K dual inhibitor LS-008, which currently is under pre-clinical development. This unique partnership represents a creative approach to accelerate the development of an oncology compound in China for the globe, by leveraging the complementary strengths of a premier Chinese pharmaceutical company and a world-class medicinal chemistry and drug discovery expertise. Under the terms of the agreement, Yabao receives exclusive rights to develop and commercialize LS-008 in China while Changzhou Le Sun Pharmaceuticals Ltd. retains majority of exclusive rights in all other markets. The parties will together determine the strategic development plan, which will be performed primarily by Yabao in China under global GLP, GMP and GCP standards. 

Financial terms:

Financial terms were not disclosed.

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