

Date: 2014-07-24

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: biomarker SF3B1

Company: Qiagen (The Netherlands) University of Tokyo (Japan)

Therapeutic area: Diagnostic - Cancer - Oncology

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SF3B1 is believed to play a critical role in the prognosis of patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), a group of hematological cancers in which bone marrow does not produce enough healthy blood cells. Mutations of this gene, which is an important component of the spliceosome machinery, indicate a more favorable disease progression for patients than the “wild-type” gene, so testing for these gene variants could potentially provide important guidance for treatment based on a personalized healthcare approach to MDS.

Disease: myelodysplastic syndromes


* On July 24, 2014, Qiagen announced it has acquired an exclusive global license to the biomarker SF3B1 from the University of Tokyo. Qiagen licensed the SF3B1 biomarker in an ongoing expansion of the oncohematology offering for clinical research and diagnostics. Three additional spliceosome biomarkers implicated in various blood cancers and targeting variants in the U2AF35 (U2AF1), ZRSR2 and SFRS2 genes are also part of the license agreement. They are included in QIAGEN’s GeneRead DNAseq Leukemia V2 gene panel for next-generation sequencing (NGS), which has been launched earlier this month together with 13 other new cancer gene panels that are compatible with any NGS sequencer and customizable to include other genes or gene regions of clinical or biological interest. The GeneRead technology provides the most cost-effective and time-efficient approach for target enrichment of assay panels for NGS. The panels use as little as 10 nanograms of starting DNA material per pool, require only three hours to enrich for targets and substantially reduce the time to go from isolated DNA sample to sequencing-ready libraries. They are compatible for use with FFPE samples, do not require specialized instruments, and achieve industry leading coverage (>96% of coding regions), specificity (>90% of reads on target) and uniformity (>90% of bases covered by at least 20% of the mean coverage depth).

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Is general: Yes