

Date: 2011-02-24

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: iPSC (induced pluripotent stem cell) patent portfolio

Company: Univercell-Biosolutions (France) iPS Academia Japan (Japan)

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Univercell-Biosolutions ( provider of human cardiac cells for drug discovery) and iPS Academia Japan, Inc. have concluded a worldwide non-exclusive licensing agreement for iPS Academia Japan’s iPSC (induced pluripotent stem cell) patent portfolio. The portfolio arises out of the work of Professor Shinya Yamanaka, MD, Ph.D., Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA) at the University of Kyoto, Japan. This non-exclusive worldwide licence will enable Univercell-Biosolutions to produce human cardiomyocytes to the pharmaceutical industry for efficacy and toxicology testing. iPSC technology has the capacity to transform ordinary human skin cells into pluripotent stem cells, with the same characteristics and potential as embryonic stem cells. Coupled with UB technology, it will provide a powerful resource for producing on a large scale human cardiomyocytes derived from iPSCs. The provision of a homogeneous population of cardiac cells that are close to human cardiomyocytes constitutes an invaluable tool for early and efficient prediction of cardiotoxicity in new drug candidates. Both iPS Academia Japan and Univercell-Biosolutions expect this accord to be followed by further business collaborations.

Financial terms:

iPS Academia Japan will receive royalties from Univercell-Biosolutions (UB). Other terms are not disclosed.

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