

Date: 2014-06-17

Type of information: Development agreement

Compound: gut microbiome-based diagnostic tests

Company: Enterome Bioscience (France) Mayo Clinic (USA - MN)

Therapeutic area: Diagnostic - Metabolic diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: obesity, overweight


* On June 17, 2014, Enterome  Bioscience announced it has entered into an agreement with Mayo Clinic. The collaboration is focused on the discovery and validation of gut microbiome-based diagnostic tests for predicting response to medical nutritional intervention in obese or overweight patients. Enterome’s scientific founder Dusko Ehrlich and his collaborators at INRA (French National Institute for Agricultural Research) and ICAN (Institute of Cardiometabolism and Nutrition) have identified a panel of bacterial biomarkers from the gut microbiome (collectively known as MET 230) that enables the stratification of patients based on the health and diversity of their gut microbiome. In a 400-patient study, this panel of biomarkers has been correlated to the metabolic profile of obese patients as well as to their responsiveness to nutritional intervention. From this scientific finding, Enterome, under a license agreement with INRA, is developing a diagnostic test dedicated to the management of obesity and personalization of medical nutrition to patient’s needs.

It is hoped that the application of Enterome’s technology will be a key driver for improving the outcome of stratified nutritional strategies and in the future the development of novel drugs or functional food products aiming to decrease co-morbidities associated to overweight and obesity (i.e. type 2 diabetes). Mayo Clinic is currently conducting a study to characterize the gut microbiome before and after dietary intervention. If successful this study would enable the commercialization of a personalized nutrition test for patients with obesity associated with low grade inflammation and certain metabolic risk factors.


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