

Date: 2014-05-23

Type of information: Collaboration agreement

Compound: inhibitors of apoptosis

Company: Servier (France) CNRS (France) University of Montpellier 1 (France) University of Montpellier 2 (France)

Therapeutic area: Cardiovascular diseases

Type agreement: R&D - collaboration

Action mechanism:

Disease: myocardial infarction


  • • On May 23, 2014, Servier, the CNRS and the Universities of Montpellier 1 and 2 have signed a research collaboration contract to develop a treatment that would reduce the size of myocardial infarction, thus limiting cardiac cell death by apoptosis during the phase of myocardial reperfusion1. This agreement follows the signature on May 23, 2013 of an exclusive option for an exclusive license on a patented invention entitled \"Inhibitors of apoptosis and uses thereof\" in the field of myocardial protection during infarction. This invention originated from a collaboration established between the Functional Genomics Institute (CNRS/Inserm/Universities of Montpellier 1 and 2) and the Normal and Pathological Membrane Interaction Dynamics Laboratory (CNRS/Universities of Montpellier 1 and 2). The international patent has been published on May 24, 2012 (WO2012/066103) ; co-ownership : CNRS, Universities of Montpellier 1 and 2; co-inventors: Stéphanie Barrère-Lemaire (CNRS research director, Functional Genomics Institute), Prisca Boisguérin (CNRS researcher, Normal and Pathological Membrane Interaction Dynamics Laboratory), Bernard Lebleu (Professor at the University of Montpellier 2, Normal and PathologicalMembrane Interaction Dynamics Laboratory), Christophe Piot (professor University of Montpellier 1, Functional Genomics Institute) and Joël Nargeot (CNRS research director, Functional Genomics Institute)

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