

Date: 2015-09-22

Type of information: Collaboration agreement

Compound: breakthrough precision medicines for cancers

Company: H3 Biomedicine (USA - MA) Selvita (Poland)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement:



Action mechanism:



* On September 16, 2013,  H3 Biomedicine, a biopharmaceutical company specializing in the discovery and development of precision oncology treatments, and Selvita, one of the largest drug discovery companies in Eastern Europe, announced  that they have entered into a strategic collaboration to develop breakthrough precision medicines for cancers. The companies will seek to validate the importance and druggability of several kinase targets in specific genetic contexts and to generate multiple novel drug candidates against those targets. Recent advances in human cancer genomics have revealed novel target opportunities that will enable new approaches to developing cancer medicines. H3 Biomedicine has built extensive and proprietary target acumen. It has also implemented a set of unique tools and research engines in the areas of cancer genomics, bioinformatics and target validation to lend biological insight to genomic findings. These capabilities will help to accelerate its collaborative drug discovery and development efforts. Selvita started its first kinase discovery programs in 2008 and, over the last five years, has built a premium scientific team with one of the world’s most robust kinase discovery platforms. Together, the two companies have the know-how to leverage data from the new target opportunities revealed through cancer genomics.
 “Both H3 Biomedicine and Selvita value early validation of drug targets to achieve preclinical proof of concept followed by translation of these findings into novel therapies for targeted patient populations. This collaboration is a key tool in our arsenal as it brings Selvita’s kinase biology platform and medicinal chemistry capabilities together with H3’s expertise in target validation, bioinformatics and genomics analysis. 


Financial terms:

The financial terms of the agreement are confidential.

Latest news:

* On September 22, 2015,  H3 Biomedicine and Selvita  announced that they have extended their strategic collaboration to develop breakthrough precision medicines for cancers through September 2016. As part of the original collaboration begun in September 2013, the companies are validating the druggability of two kinase targets in a specific genetic context and have generated multiple novel chemical series against these targets. The companies are seeking to make further progress towards the initiation of IND enabling studies during 2016. The results from both programs will be presented at scientific conferences in the first half of 2016. The agreement calls for H3 Biomedicine to provide additional research funding to Selvita, in addition to milestones and royalties on both programs. 

* On May 22, 2014, H3 Biomedicine and Selvita announced that they have achieved the first research milestone in their strategic collaboration to develop breakthrough precision medicines for cancers. The companies have validated the importance and druggability of a kinase target in a specific genetic context and have generated multiple novel chemical series against this target. The companies expect the first candidate molecule originating from the collaboration to move to IND-enabling studies in 2015. H3 Biomedicine will provide a milestone to Selvita in consideration of Selvita’s achievement of the first research goal in the project. The companies are not disclosing the amount.

Is general: Yes