

Date: 2014-05-07

Type of information: Collaboration agreement

Compound: genetics services

Company: Unilabs (Denmark) BGI (China)

Therapeutic area: Diagnostic - Technology - Services

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* On May 7, 2014, Unilabs, a leading medical diagnostic services company in Europe and BGI, one of the world’s largest genomics research centres, have signed a collaboration agreement. This partnership will strengthen Unilabs’ position as a leader in genetic testing, complementing the very broad range of genetics services offered throughout an integrated lab network. BGI, with European headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark, has a lab facility with 10 high-throughput machines serving its European partners. The collaboration agreement with Unilabs will extend the reach of BGI genomics technology within Europe, giving customers access to more innovative panels and tests. Bringing two leaders in genetics together will extend and strengthen the genetic offering currently available, including the latest technologies in Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and bioinformatics.

BGI was founded in Beijing, China, in 1999 with the mission to become a premier scientific partner for the global research community. The goal of BGI is to make leading-edge genomic science highly accessible, which it achieves through its investment in infrastructure, leveraging the best available technology, economies of scale, and expert bioinformatics resources. BGI, and its affiliates, BGI Americas, headquartered in Cambridge, MA, and BGI Europe, headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, have established partnerships and collaborations with leading academic and government research institutions as well as global biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, supporting a variety of disease, agricultural, environmental, and related applications. BGI’s accomplishments include: sequencing one percent of the human genome for the International Human Genome Project, contributing 10 percent to the International Human HapMap Project, carrying out research to combat SARS and German deadly E. coli, playing a key role in the Sino-British Chicken Genome Project, and completing the sequence of the rice genome, the silkworm genome, the first Asian diploid genome, the potato genome, and, more recently, have sequenced the human Gut Metagenome, and a significant proportion of the genomes for the 1000 Genomes Project.


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Is general: Yes