

Date: 2014-04-29

Type of information: Establishment of a new subsidiary in the EU

Compound: therapeutic antibodies - Ylanthia® technology

Company: MorphoSys (Germany) Temple University (USA - PA)

Therapeutic area: Technology - Services

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:



* On April 29, 2014, MorphoSys and The Moulder Center for Drug Discovery Research, a unit of Temple University\'s School of Pharmacy, have announced a strategic alliance focused on the discovery of new therapeutic antibodies. Under the terms of the agreement, the Moulder Center will receive access to MorphoSys\'s Ylanthia® technology for use in validating new disease-related targets and generating therapeutic antibody candidates. MorphoSys will receive an exclusive option to develop any resulting antibodies.  The Ylanthia library will be installed at Temple\'s Moulder Center for Drug Discovery Research, a multidisciplinary research hub for the further development of scientific discoveries identified by Temple University faculty and scientists, as well as its external academic and industrial partners, into novel therapies. Its Biotherapeutics Discovery Unit under the leadership of Dr. Jon Condra is dedicated to working on drug design and lead optimization in multiple disease areas, including cancer, Alzheimer\'s disease, cardiovascular, metabolic and viral diseases.

Financial terms:

Financial details of the agreement were not disclosed.

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Is general: Yes