

Date: 2014-04-23

Type of information: Services contract

Compound: testing and analysis of primary and metastatic tumours and blood samples for AURORA programme

Company: ONcoDNA (Belgium) Breast International Group (BIG)

Therapeutic area: Diagnostic - Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: breast cancer


* On April 23, 2014OncoDNA SA, a Belgian company at the forefront in providing cancer theranostic solutions combining NGS and protein expression analyses for clinical use, has announced that it has been awarded a major testing and analysis contract by the Breast International Group (BIG) for its AURORA programme. Conducted by BIG, AURORA is an international programme that aims to significantly improve the life of patients with advanced or metastatic breast cancer. Initially, over 1300 women and men treated in at least 60 hospitals spread across 15 European countries are expected to take part in the programme, launched on 15 April 2014. Over time, BIG expects to be able to expand the programme well beyond Europe and involve more patients.

OncoDNA will perform its recently launched OncoDEEP® Clinical Plus test. The testing and analysis of primary and metastatic tumours and blood samples will consist in the DNA sequencing of 3900 samples, targeting a panel of 411 cancer related genes, including BRCA1/2. A specific Plus Package including some Breast Cancer specific IHCs (ER, PR, Ki-67,…) will be performed on the same samples.

Financial terms:

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