

Date: 2014-04-14

Type of information: Collaboration agreement


Company: Effimune (France) Inserm (France)

Therapeutic area: Transplantation

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* On April 14, 2014, Effimune and the Nantes CRTI/INSERM-UMR1064 have announced a partnership to investigate the mechanism at the origin of tolerance induction following transplantation. “This work will allow us to produce a therapeutic monoclonal antibody with proof of concept that will serve as a basis for clinical development not only for kidney transplant but also for autoimmune diseases and haematopoietic cancers” says Dr. Sophie Brouard, Director of Research in INSERM UMR 1064. An article in the Journal of Clinical Investigation shows proof of concept of the effectiveness of IL7 receptor blockade The INSERM UMR 1064 team has demonstrated for the first time that blocking the IL-7 receptor with a monoclonal antibody allows the control of the immune system while maintaining the regulatory mechanisms. The study was published in the April edition of the prestigious scientific revue, The Journal of Clinical Investigation under the title “IL-7 receptor blockade following T cell depletion promotes long-term allograft survival”.

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Is general: Yes