

Date: 2014-04-08

Type of information: Commercialisation agreement

Compound: Veregen® ointment (made from the extract of green tea leaves - catechins)

Company: Medigene (Germany) Kora Healthcare (Ireland)

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases - Gynecology

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: genital warts


* On April 8, 2014. Medigene and Kora Healthcare have concluded an exclusive agreement for the supply and commercialisation of Veregen® for the treatment of genital warts in United Kingdom and Ireland. Following marketing authorisation, Kora Healthcare will promote and distribute the drug for the treatment of genital warts. 
Veregen® is currently available in the USA, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, Serbia, the Netherlands, Taiwan, Norway, Sweden, Czech Republic and Slovakia. Marketing authorisations in numerous additional countries have been granted. Medigene has entered into several marketing partnerships for Veregen® across Europe, Asia, and America, and is planning to continue this global licensing strategy to further tap the drug\'s market potential. Submission of the marketing authorisation application for Veregen® in United Kingdom and Ireland as well as several remaining European countries participating in the mutual recognition procedure is planned for 2014.


Financial terms:

Medigene will receive a one-time upfront payment, revenues from milestone payments and from the supply of the finished product, as well as royalties on the future sales of Veregen® in the two countries.

Latest news:

Is general: Yes