

Date: 2014-04-08

Type of information: Collaboration agreement

Compound: microRNA signatures for diagnostics and theranostics tools

Company: Theradiag (France) - CNRS (France)

Therapeutic area: Diagnostic - Autoimmune diseases – Inflammatory diseases - Rheumatic diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: rheumatoid arthritis


* On April 8, 2014, Theradiag, a company specializing in theranostics and in vitro diagnostics, has signed a fourth research partnership agreement in microRNAs with the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) /the Institute of Molecular Genetics of Montpellier (IGMM) and the University of Montpellier (UM1 and 2) for the development of diagnostics and theranostics tools in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The purpose of this new development program is to identify, on a cohort of 100 patients, microRNA signatures which would improve diagnosis of RA, allow for analysis of disease-activity and severity parameters, and most importantly, provide prognosis information regarding response to treatment. These findings could be the subject of a joint patent application by Theradiag and CNRS.With this new development, Theradiag significantly strengthens its positioning in the auto-immune diseases segment, and should offer, in the near future, a complete diagnostics and theranostics portfolio in RA including:

- Disease diagnosis (available FIDIS™ product range and microRNA test under development);

- Disease monitoring (microRNA test under development);

- Monitoring of biotherapies for the disease (available LISA-TRACKER portfolio);

- Identification of treatment response prognosis factors (microRNA test under development).

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes