

Date: 2014-04-09

Type of information: Collaboration agreement


Company: Spero Therapeutics (USA) Roche (Switzerland)

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases

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* On April 9, 2014, Spero Therapeutics, a US biopharmaceutical company founded to develop novel therapies for treatment of bacterial infections, has entered into an antibiotics partnership with Roche. Roche is providing non-dilutive R&D funding to Spero, and will have the option to acquire Spero’s lead program at the IND (Investigational New Drug) application phase, at pre-negotiated terms including an upfront payment and milestones. Spero’s first program extends from the work of Dr. Laurence Rahme, scientific founder of Spero and Associate Professor at Massachusetts General Hospital. The company is developing an inhibitor of a novel target that controls the virulence and persistence of Gram-negative bacteria such as Pseudomonas Aeruginosa. Preclinical studies have demonstrated the approach’s potential to treat acute bacterial infections and prevent chronic persistence of pathogens in infection sites. The approach is unique from traditional antibiotics in its potential to pose a lower risk of driving rapid emergence of resistance and impacting the human microbiome.

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Is general: Yes