

Date: 2014-03-31

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: compounds against a novel GPCR pain target

Company: Evotec (Germany) Convergence Pharmaceuticals (UK)

Therapeutic area: CNS diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: pain


* On March 31, 2014, Evotec has announced that it has entered into a research alliance with Panion Ltd, a subsidiary of Convergence Pharmaceuticals Holdings. Convergence is a UK company focused on the development of novel, high value analgesics to treat chronic pain. Panion Ltd has been awarded a £ 2.4 m Technology Strategy Board Biomedical Catalyst Early Stage Round 2 grant to discover and develop compounds against a novel GPCR pain target. Evotec will be responsible for undertaking key drug discovery activities and will work closely with the Convergence team in identifying pre-clinical candidates over the next three years. Subsequently, and upon meeting certain pre-clinical milestones, Convergence and Evotec will jointly progress the assets further into the clinic or via partnering. Further financials remain undisclosed.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes