

Date: 2014-04-02

Type of information: Commercialisation agreement

Compound: ConfirmMDx® for Prostate Cancer

Company: MDxHealth (Belgium) LI PATH (USA - NY)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

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ConfirmMDx for Prostate Cancer is an epigenetic assay to help distinguish patients who have a true-negative biopsy from those at risk for occult cancer. The test helps urologists rule out prostate cancer-free men from undergoing unnecessary repeat biopsies and, helps rule in high risk patients who may require repeat biopsies and potential treatment. The test is able to detect an epigenetic field effect or \"halo\" associated with the cancerization process at the DNA level in cells adjacent to cancer foci. This molecular \"halo\" around a cancer lesion can be present despite having a normal appearance under the microscope.

Disease: prostate cancer


* On April 2, 2014, MDxHealth, a leading molecular diagnostic company that develops and commercializes epigenetic tests to improve the diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients, has announced that it has entered into a co-marketing agreement with LI PATH to promote MDxHealth\'s ConfirmMDx® for Prostate Cancer test.  LI PATH is a high-end, full-service independent anatomic and clinical pathology laboratory that serves the New York City metropolitan area.  The agreement expands MDxHealth\'s access to urologists in the New York and New Jersey region.

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Is general: Yes