

Date: 2014-03-11

Type of information:


Company: TC BioPharm (UK) Medinet (Japan)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement: R&D

Action mechanism: cell therapy



* On March 11, 2014TC BioPharm and Medinet, a Tokyo-listed immuno-cell therapy company, have announced a partnership agreement to develop a novel treatment for various different types of cancer.
Medinet will exclusively license its cell therapy technology to TC Biopharm for clinical development in the UK and Europe. This collaboration and subsequent commercialisation is supported by Scottish Development International (SDI), the international arm of Scotland’s enterprise agencies.
TCB’s technology uses patients’ own immune cells grown in culture to target cancer, and has a safe history based on the treatment of numerous patients in Japan. TCB has obtained Scientific Advice from the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency which has provided a clear roadmap to clinical studies. Under expert guidance from Principal Investigator, Professor Jeff Evans of the University of Glasgow, TCB plans to treat the first cohort of patients early in 2015, working alongside established cancer clinics in Glasgow and Southampton.
Combining grant support with equity finance from MEDINET and Scottish investors, TCB has an initial funding commitment of £1.3 million, with additional major venture investment anticipated to support further clinical studies.

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