

Date: 2014-03-11

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: combination therapies, biomarkers, new drugs, devices

Company: Roche (Switzerland) Manchester Academic Health Science Centre (UK)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology - Cardiovascular diseases - Inflammatory diseases - Mental diseases

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* On March 11, 2014, researchers and clinicians from Manchester Academic Health Science Centre (MAHSC) have launched a major partnership with Roche. The new relationship will boost clinical research studies, which could lead to the development of new drugs and diagnostic tools and give patients in the region greater access to new treatments in development. The alliance also includes colleagues from the Greater Manchester Academic Health Science Network (GM AHSN), which is focused on ensuring new medicines, diagnostic tools and health technology become widely available more quickly, and the NIHR Greater Manchester Comprehensive Local Research Network (CLRN), which supports researchers and companies to identify and recruit patients into clinical studies quickly and efficiently.
The aims of the new partnership include:
•    Seeking opportunities for development of biomarker  research within MAHSC’s six domains (cancer, cardiovascular, human development, inflammation & repair, mental health and, population health);
•    Supporting the training of the next generation of MAHSC researchers and clinicians in clinical and translational medicine;
•    Improving access to new medicines available and encouraging wider participation of patients in clinical trials.
Closer clinical links between MAHSC and Roche will enable the partners to explore opportunities for combination therapies and increase understanding of the potential benefits of high impact medicines, technologies, devices, and diagnostics in the healthcare system.  Investigators leading clinical trials across MAHSC will gain early access to new drugs, and MAHSC research studies may, in turn, identify new uses for existing Roche products. The collaboration will enable patients to have faster and greater access to new medicines, and give the medical community more hands on research experience plus closer links to the latest research studies.

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Is general: Yes