

Date: 2014-02-11

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: biotherapeutics, protein therapies

Company: Pfizer (USA - NY) Science Foundation Ireland (Ireland)

Therapeutic area: Rare diseases - Immunological diseases

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* On February 11,2014, Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and Pfizer announced a unique new partnership that aims to promote new biotherapeutic breakthroughs in Ireland, through an academic-industry collaboration. A three year agreement will be available to qualified academic researchers from Irish universities with novel drug targeting ideas. The partnership will be inviting Universities to submit proposals in March. These research proposals will be assessed in accordance with certain specified criteria. Successful applicants will have the opportunity to work with the Pfizer Global Biotherapeutics Technology (GBT) group, including Pfizer colleagues at the Pfizer Grange Castle site, in an effort to develop the next generation of potential protein therapies. This will enable the blending of the research expertise of academics with Pfizer’s drug discovery and development expertise and resources. It is hoped this collaboration will identify exciting new advances that may lead to the accelerated creation of potential new therapies for unmet medical needs.

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Is general: Yes