

Date: 2014-02-28

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: NAV rAAV9 vectors

Company: Esteve (Spain) RegenX Biosciences (USA - MD)

Therapeutic area: Rare diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

gene therapy

Disease: mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIA or Sanfilippo syndrome Type A


* On February 28, 2014, Esteve and RegenX Biosciences have entered into an agreement enabling the development and commercialization of products to treat mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIA using NAV rAAV9. Under the terms of the agreement, RegenX has granted Esteve a non-exclusive worldwide license, with rights to sublicense, to Regenx’s NAV rAAV9 vectors for treatment of MPS IIIA in humans.

Financial terms:

In return for these rights, RegenX receives payments in the form of an upfront payment, certain milestone fees 
andyaltieson net sales of products incorporating NAV rAAV9.

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Is general: Yes