

Date: 2014-02-24

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: acellular scaffold technology for the delivery of cellular therapies

Company: Cell Therapy Catapult (UK) University of Leeds (UK)

Therapeutic area: Regenerative medicine - Technology -Services

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* On February 24, 2014, the Cell Therapy Catapult, which is focused on the development of the UK cell therapy industry to increase the nation\'s health and wealth, and the University of Leeds have agreed to work together on acellular scaffolds for the delivery of cellular therapies. The University\'s Regener8 (the N8 Centre for Translational Regenerative Medicine) and Medical Technologies Innovation and Knowledge Centre have extensive expertise in regenerative devices, scaffolds and biomaterials, which are pivotal to the development of new cell therapies. The two centres and the Cell Therapy Catapult are looking to identify projects, including those from the University\'s research base and project teams supported by Regener8 funding, which they can develop further together. Areas of expertise at Regener8 and the Medical Technologies IKC include hard and soft tissue repair using acellular scaffolds as well as other delivery technologies for regenerative medicines. There is also a focus on supporting high-value manufacturing companies.

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Is general: Yes