

Date: 2014-02-03

Type of information: Development agreement

Compound: lorediplon

Company: Ferrer (Spain) Ildong Pharmaceuticals (South Korea)

Therapeutic area: CNS diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Lorediplon is a novel, longer acting non-BZD hypnotic drug that modulates the GABAa receptor. Compared to other non-BZD receptor agonists (such as zolpidem), Lorediplon has demonstrated in preclinical and clinical studies a potent hypnotic profile and extended systemic half-life, properties that could confer potential clinical benefits in terms of sleep maintenance and sleep architecture. A recent Phase I pharmacodynamic study with Lorediplon (in a phase advanced model of insomnia) demonstrated the orally available compound has a best-in-class efficacy profile in terms of sleep maintenance and sleep quality when compared to market leader zolpidem. In this model Lorediplon demonstrated dose related clinical benefits in measured sleep parameters that were either comparable to or exceeded zolpidem in terms of the duration and quality of sleep that subjects achieved.

Disease: insomnia


* On February 3, 2014, Ferrer, a privately-held Spanish pharmaceutical company, has announced that it has executed an agreement with Ildong Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd, Korea to support further clinical studies of lorediplon in patients with insomnia. Under the terms of the  agreement, Ferrer will be eligible to receive payments from the Co-operation and License Agreement covering countries within East Asia, including South Korea, China and Japan. Ildong will be responsible for the costs and activities related to development and regulatory approvals in their territory.

Financial terms:

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