

Date: 2014-01-30

Type of information: Commercialisation agreement

Compound: Biogen's portfolio of multiple sclerosis therapies and investigational candidates, including Tecdifera®, Fampyra®, Avonex®, Tysabri®, Plegridy™, Daclizumab High-Yield Process (DAC HYP), Eloctate™ and Alprolix™

Company: UCB (Belgium) Biogen (USA - MA)

Therapeutic area: Neurodegenerative diseases - Rare diseases - Hematological diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: multiple sclerosis, hemophilia


* On January 30, 2014, UCB and Biogen Idec have announced that they have signed exclusive agreements granting UCB the right to commercialize Biogen Idec products in South Korea, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan, and both develop and commercialize products in China. As part of the relationship, Biogen Idec will supply UCB with its portfolio of multiple sclerosis therapies and investigational candidates, including Tecdifera®, Fampyra®, Avonex®, Tysabri®, Plegridy™ and Daclizumab High-Yield Process (DAC HYP). The relationship also includes Eloctate™ and Alprolix™, Biogen Idec’s investigational long-acting recombinant candidates for hemophilia A and B, respectively.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes