

Date: 2014-01-16

Type of information: Collaboration agreement

Compound: improved genetic diagnostic tests

Company: Horizon Discovery (UK) Transgenomic (USA)

Therapeutic area: Diagnostic

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* On January 16, 2014, Horizon Discovery , a UK provider of research tools to support translational genomics and the development of personalized medicines, and Transgenomic, a global biotechnology company advancing personalized medicine in cardiology, oncology, and inherited diseases through diagnostic tests as well as clinical and research services, have announced they have entered into a collaboration agreement to develop improved genetic diagnostic tests incorporating state of the art controls. The collaboration will enable Transgenomic to transition from the use of plasmid-derived controls, to Horizon’s Quantitative Molecular Reference Standards for all of its existing assays, and for any new assays developed in future.
Under the terms of the agreement, Horizon will provide its renewable, genetically defined Quantitative Molecular Reference Standards in both gDNA (genomic DNA) and FFPE (formalin fixed paraffin embedded) format, via its Horizon Diagnostics division. The Quantitative Molecular Reference Standards will be used as advanced reference standards for Transgenomic’s range of genetic diagnostic tests, and in the development of novel tests and in vitro diagnostic testing kits. The Quantitative Molecular Reference Standard products will be chosen from Horizon Diagnostics’ existing inventory of over 300 products, and Horizon’s GENESIS™ gene editing platform will also be employed to precisely engineer new lines as needed, to support the development of the new tests and kits.

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Is general: Yes