

Date: 2014-01-22

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: screening technology Chemetics®

Company: Nuevolution (Denmark) The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) (UK) Cancer Research Technology (CRT) (UK)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement:


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* On January 22, 2014,   the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), London, Cancer Research Technology (CRT), London and Nuevolution  have entered into a drug discovery collaboration to identify novel lead candidates for cancer treatment. Researchers will use Nuevolution’s screening technology, Chemetics®, to screen libraries each of millions of DNA-tagged compounds to identify those that act on a key protein in the stress response pathway, which has an important role in cancer cell survival and resistance to cancer treatments.
The three-way deal between the ICR, Nuevolution and CRT, the commercial arm of Cancer Research UK, builds on an existing collaboration between CRT and Nuevolution, which aims to identify drug leads that block the activity of several challenging cancer targets of therapeutic interest. Under the new deal, the Cancer Research UK Cancer Therapeutics Unit at the ICR and Nuevolution will collaborate to screen a key target within the stress response pathway. Researchers from the Cancer Research UK Cancer Therapeutics Unit at the ICR will provide detailed insights and scientific expertise on the specific stress pathway target as well as their extensive experience in cancer drug discovery and development. Nuevolution will provide its proprietary Chemetics® technology, screening expertise and medicinal chemistry expertise to optimise drug candidates.
The parties have an option to co-develop promising compounds arising from this collaboration. The agreement is open-ended and allows for the screening of additional targets.

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Is general: Yes