

Date: 2014-01-15

Type of information: Commercialisation agreement

Compound: anamorelin

Company: Helsinn (Switzerland) Angelini (Italy)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Anamorelin is selective, novel, orally active ghrelin receptor agonist and has been previously studied in approximately 500 subjects, including four completed phase II trials dosing 361 patients with cancer. A phase III trial program (ROMANA 1, 2 & 3) is ongoing. Phase II results highlight that anamorelin can improve appetite, increase lean body mass and have a positive impact on the quality of life of patients with cancer suffering from this condition, along with a positive safety and tolerability profile.

Disease: anorexia-cachexia in non small lung cell cancer (NSLC)


* On January 15, 2014, Swiss-based Helsinn Group secures a new deal for anamorelin by granting Angelini, through its subsidiary company CSC Pharmaceuticals, exclusive commercialization rights to their innovative ghrelin receptor agonist, anamorelin, in several Central & Eastern European countries.Helsinn will retain all development tasks (CMC, preclinical and clinical) and supply of anamorelin for commercial use. The Swiss Group will also be responsible for the regulatory and clinical development whereas Angelini will undertake all the commercial activities within the relevant territory.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes