

Date: 2013-12-17

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: CRISPR design platform

Company: Horizon Discovery (UK) Desktop Genetics (UK)

Therapeutic area: Technology - Services

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* On December 17, 2013, Horizon Discovery, a leading provider of research tools to support translational genomics and the development of personalized medicines, has announced it has entered into a collaboration agreement with Desktop Genetics for development of a CRISPR design platform. The platform will be used by Horizon to quickly identify the best guide-RNAs in the human genome for each gene editing task, as part of its GENESIS™ suite of gene editing technologies. Desktop Genetics will design and implement algorithms for the new platform based on Horizon\'s input and CRISPR knowledge. Horizon licensed the CRISPR gene editing technology from Harvard University in September 2013, adding to its existing rAAV and ZFN gene editing capabilities. Through its GENESIS™ precision gene-editing platform, Horizon offers researchers an unrivalled toolbox capable of performing rapid functional genomics experiments, as well as creation of high-precision human disease models for deployment at all stages of drug discovery and diagnostic development.

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Is general: Yes