

Date: 2013-12-09

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: DriveIn® (nanotechnology for drug delivery)

Company: Adocia (France) CNRS (France) the University Bordeaux I (France) Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux (France) Aquitaine Science Transfert (SATT Aquitaine - France)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:



* On December 9, 2013, Adocia, a biotechnology company specializing in the development of ‘best-in-class’ medicines from already approved therapeutic proteins, has announced  the signature of an exclusive license agreement with the CNRS, the University Bordeaux I, the Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux and Aquitaine Science Transfert (SATT Aquitaine). This agreement grants Adocia the development and commercialization rights over an international patent application protecting a nanotechnology for drug delivery in the field of healthcare. The new technology, called DriveIn® was developed by Professor Sebastien Lecommandoux and his team at the Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymeres Organiques (LCPO, UMR5629 CNRS - Universite de Bordeaux I – Institut polytechnique de Bordeaux). It is efficient in carrying active molecules and delivering them within solid tumors. This work has been published in multiple peer-reviewed journals. The innovation in DriveIn consists in its using nanoparticles that have a surface completely made of hyaluronan, a biopolymer naturally present in the human body, known to interact with the CD44 cell receptor. This receptor is overexpressed in a large number of solid tumors, thus allowing DriveIn nanoparticles to efficiently reach and penetrate cancer cells. This is known to be a limitation of current therapies.
Adocia will adopt a dual strategy for the development of this technology. It intends to develop proprietary products based on doxorubicin and docetaxel, two of the most used anti-tumoral treatments, which could greatly benefit from an enhanced intra-cellular delivery. Adocia will also propose the DriveIn technology to pharmaceutical companies to optimize the efficacy of their own proprietary molecules.
“Our primary objective is to develop a proprietary formulation for treating ovarian cancer and to launch the first clinical trial in Q4 2014”said Olivier Soula, director of research and development at Adocia.

The cash position of Adocia is not significantly impacted by this acquisition, for which financial terms remain confidential.

Financial terms:

Financial details were not disclosed.

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