

Date: 2013-11-28

Type of information: Termination of an agreement

Compound: platform Idylla™

Company: Biocartis (Belgium) bioMerieux (France)

Therapeutic area: Diagnostic

Type agreement:


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* On November 28, 2013, Biocartis has announced that bioMérieux and Biocartis have signed an agreement to end their alliance for the development and commercialization of the integrated molecular biology system, Idylla™ (previously Apollo), in the field of microbiology molecular diagnostics. bioMérieux will return all rights on the Idylla™ platform to Biocartis. In November 2010, Biocartis had entered into a strategic alliance with bioMérieux to develop and commercialize microbiology assays on Biocartis’ fully integrated molecular diagnostics platform Idylla™.  With the ending of the alliance, Biocartis has regained all the rights relating to the use of its platform in the microbiology field, and is free to explore new strategic options in that respect.

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Is general: Yes