

Date: 2013-12-03

Type of information: R&D agreement


Company: Bio-Modeling Systems (France) Aepodia (Belgium)

Therapeutic area:

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Disease: fibromyalgia, chronic facial pain


* On December 3, 2013,  Bio-Modeling Systems and Aepodia have signed a strategic R&D collaboration to decipher the Fibromyalgia & chronic facial pain mechanisms to bring novel therapeutic strategies faster to patients. The partners have launched a research program which combines the scientific, combined products development and clinical know-how of the research teams attached to Aepodia and the heuristic, non-mathematical (CADI™) modeling and scientific talents of BMSystems’ team of biologists. Bio-Modeling Systems and Aepodia have started to construct two new CADI™ models that describe and explain the Fibromyalgia and chronic facial pain mechanisms. The purpose of this collaboration is to open new avenues that will be decisive for the understanding, the diagnosis and the treatment of severe pains. The A1 phase of this program is entirely self-financed by the partners, revealing their confidence in their capacity to jointly identify and characterize mechanisms that will lead quicker to specific combined therapies to the patients.
The scientific program is placed under the shared leadership of Dr. D.Gossen, co-founder and CSO of Aepodia, and Dr. François Iris, founder and CSO of Bio-Modeling Systems.

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Is general: Yes