

Date: 2013-12-03

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: prediction or patient stratification markers

Company: Protagen (Germany) Pfizer (USA - NY)

Therapeutic area: Allergic diseases - Inflammatory diseases

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* On December 3, 2013, Protagen has announced that it has signed a collaboration agreement with Pfizer. Under the collaboration, Protagen will use its proprietary SeroTag® process to attempt to discover prediction or patient stratification markers for a novel drug being developed by Pfizer. Protagen is a pioneer in the development of novel diagnostic products to support personalized therapies, and the clinical development of new drugs in autoimmune diseases. The unique SeroTag® process addresses the unmet need to deliver specific biomarkers with clinical utility for treatment response prediction, disease activity monitoring, and companion diagnostics (CDx). SeroTag® has been successfully employed for marker discovery and patient stratification in various autoimmune diseases such as RA, SLE, MS and related disorders.

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Is general: Yes