

Date: 2013-11-19

Type of information: Development agreement

Compound: VM-1500

Company: Roche (Switzerland) Viriom (Russia)

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: HIV


* On November 19, 2013, Viriom, a ChemRar company, has announced the signing of a global expansion of Viriom’s commercial rights to VM-1500, an innovative Roche candidate NNRT I(non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor). In 2009, Viriom and Roche concluded a regional license to VM-1500 for treatment of HIV. Under the amendment Viriom receives exclusive global rights to VM-1500 in all therapeutic indications and drug combinations. Viriom has completed preclinical studies and early clinical trials of VM1500 safety and efficacy, and is engaged in advanced international clinical trials for fixed and variable drug combinations of VM1500.
Early clinical results to date demonstrated superiority of VM-1500 over existing treatments in the same class in terms of efficacy against HIV-1, including mutants, resistant to other NNRTIs. The investigational drug demonstrated a good safety and tolerability profile as well as favorable pharmacokinetic properties in healthy volunteers and inpatients with chronic HIV-1 infection under a single-dose and repeated oral dosing. Presently VM-1500 offers the potential to be a best in class NNRTI for HIV/AIDS.

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Is general: Yes