

Date: 2013-09-23

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: GNP and PharmaFilm® technologies

Company: MidaSol™ Therapeutics (UK) undisclosed major US pharmaceutical company (USA)

Therapeutic area: undisclosed

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: undisclosed


* On September 23, 2013, MidaSol™ Therapeutics LP, the strategic joint venture formed between Midatech Ltd, a global leader in the design, synthesis and manufacture of biocompatible gold nanoparticles (GNP), and MonoSol Rx, a global leader in film drug delivery technology, has announced the start of a one-year research collaboration with a major US pharmaceutical company. Under the terms of the collaboration, the pharmaceutical company will evaluate MidaSol’s GNP and PharmaFilm® technologies for potential applications with certain molecules in its portfolio.
MidaSol was formed in January 2012 to focus on the commercialisation, via partnering or licensing, of products primarily for the treatment of diabetes. MidaSol continues to develop its diabetes portfolio including glucagon-like-peptide (GLP-1)-linked GNPs for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes mellitus and its lead product candidate, MidaForm™ insulin PharmFilm®, which uses insulin-linked GNPs (MidaForm insulin) formulated into PharmFilm, for the delivery of insulin through the inside of a patients cheek.

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Is general: Yes