

Date: 2013-11-04

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: anti-cancer drug molecules targeting several key proteins

Company: Cancer Research Technology (UK) Nuevolution (Denmark)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

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* On November 4, 2013, Cancer Research Technology (CRT), the commercial arm of Cancer Research UK, and Denmark-based drug discovery company Nuevolution A/S, have signed a collaboration deal to discover anti-cancer drug molecules targeting several key proteins. The collaboration aims to identify drug leads that block the activity of a number of challenging cancer therapeutic targets. This could lead to the development of first-in-class novel treatments for cancer patients. Through the partnership, drug candidate molecules which home in on selected targets will be identified by screening millions of diverse small molecules using Nuevolution’s proprietary Chemetics® technology. This uses innovative DNA labelling to enable small molecule drug screening – a method to identify small molecules which bind to a target protein – on an unprecedented scale.
CRT will provide expert information about the biology of the targets through Cancer Research UK’s network of world-class scientists. The first targets have already been approved by CRT and Nuevolution for entry into the collaboration. In addition, CRT through its internal Discovery Laboratories will provide drug discovery expertise including in-vitro screening assays and cellular activity assays for the target proteins, to select the most promising molecules to develop as potential drugs. The further pre-clinical development of any promising small molecules identified will form the basis of a separate deal to be agreed in the future between CRT and Nuevolution.

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Is general: Yes