

Date: 2013-10-17

Type of information: Development agreement

Compound: EGFR biomarker for colon cancer

Company: Biocartis (Belgium) Hospital del Mar (Spain)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

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Disease: colon cancer


* On October 17, 2013, Biocartis and Hospital del Mar have announced a licence agreement on the EGFR biomarker for colon cancer. This agreement enables Biocartis to develop a new colon cancer test, whereby a specific EGFR mutation can be rapidly and accurately detected in patients, which will enable doctors to recommend personalised therapy. Biocartis is active in molecular diagnostics and develops innovative diagnostic platforms, which allow for efficient disease detection.
Recently Dr Montagut and her team (Dr Albanell’s department of Medical Oncology, Hospital del Mar) showed that colon cancer patients with an S492R-mutation in the EGFR (Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor) can’t be helped with the colon cancer drug cetuximab. The EGFR mutation makes the tumours resistant to this treatment, whilst they remain sensitive to treatment with panitumumab. These results were published in the leading scientific journal Nature MedicineThe collaboration with Hospital del Mar enables Biocartis to develop a colon cancer test for a fast and accurate detection of the EGFR mutation.

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