

Date: 2013-07-17

Type of information: R&D agreement


Company: AstraZeneca (UK) Tufts University (USA)

Therapeutic area: CNS diseases - Neurodegenerative diseases

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* On July 17, 2013, AstraZeneca and Tufts University’s School of Medicine and Sackler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences have announced they are collaborating to establish a team of postdoctoral researchers that will work to advance understanding of diseases and disorders of the brain, including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, neurodevelopmental and autism spectrum disorders. As part of a three-year agreement, the new team will conduct cutting-edge laboratory research into biological targets of interest in the field of neuroscience.
Under the leadership of Stephen Moss, Ph.D., professor of neuroscience at Tufts University School of Medicine and the Sackler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences, the team will explore a variety of neurological pathways implicated in brain disease. Moss, a leading expert in synaptic inhibition, a determinant of neuronal excitability and behavior, will serve as principal investigator and oversee the research, along with Drs. John Dunlop and Nick Brandon from AstraZeneca. The group’s research will complement the work of the AstraZeneca Neuroscience Innovative Medicines Unit, which is a small team that advances neuroscience discovery research and early development exclusively via external partners in biotech, contract research organizations, pharma and academia. With recruitment of between seven and 10 researchers already underway, the new collaboration is designed to complete initial hiring by year’s end and advance the delivery of potential new drug compounds and validated targets for entry in the AstraZeneca portfolio at the discovery stage.

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