

Date: 2013-10-10

Type of information: Development agreement

Compound: anti-IL-16 antibody

Company: MRC Technology (UK) Boston University (USA - MA)

Therapeutic area: Inflammatory diseases - Cardiovascular diseases

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Action mechanism:

Disease: inflammatory diseases, Ischaemic Reperfusion Injury (IRI)


* On October 10,2013, MRC Technology, a technology transfer organisation, has announced it is collaborating with Boston University to develop an anti-IL-16 antibody for use in treatment of inflammatory diseases and Ischaemic Reperfusion Injury (IRI). The project is funded in part through a Biomedical Catalyst award of £577,000, granted to MRC Technology in 2012.
The antibody has potential in a range of inflammatory diseases, such as Crohn\'s Disease, Lupus, asthma, as well as in IRI. It was developed by Boston University and humanized by MRC Technology. The MRC Technology team will now perform further engineering, as well as detailed x-ray structural analysis to understand more about the functionality of IL-16. Boston University will test and validate the antibody both in vivo and in vitro.

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Is general: Yes