

Date: 2013-12-04

Type of information: Joint-venture agreement


Company: Sirona Biochem (Canada) Bloom Burton & Co (Canada)

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases - Inflammatory diseases - Rare diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: inflammation, infectious diseases


* On December 4, 2013, Sirona Biochem, a product-pipeline company with a proprietary technology platform developed at its laboratory facility in France, TFChem, and Bloom Burton & Co have announced the signing of a joint venture to conduct collaborative research to develop and commercialize new therapeutics in the areas of inflammation and infectious diseases. Sirona and Bloom Burton will identify and design numerous different anti-inflammatory and anti-infective compounds. Sirona will be responsible for the chemistry, using its proprietary expertise in fluorination technology. Bloom Burton will be responsible for financing, clinical validation and commercialization of the compounds.
Sirona Biochem and its laboratory facility in France, TFChem, specialize in the stabilization of carbohydrate molecules, with the goal of improving compounds' efficacy and safety. Sirona Biochem's compounds are being developed for both pharmaceutical and cosmetic marketplaces and are patented as new chemical entities for maximum commercial protection and revenue potential.
* On October 8, 2013, Sirona Biochem, a product-pipeline company with a proprietary technology platform developed at its laboratory facility in France, TFChem, and Bloom Burton & Co. have announced the signing of a Letter of Intent to conduct collaborative research to develop and commercialize new therapeutics in the areas of inflammation and infectious disease. Leveraging Sirona\'s proprietary fluorination technology platform, Sirona and Bloom Burton will identify and design promising assets, undertake chemical synthesis and scale up, and conduct preclinical proof of concept studies necessary to support further development activities. The collaboration hopes to address rare or neglected inflammatory diseases and the threat of emerging bacterial resistance, both of which are markets with enormous medical need. Sirona and Bloom Burton will share in the future proceeds arising from the commercialization activities.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes