

Date: 2013-10-07

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: oral small molecules targeting new class of epigenetic modulators

Company: Debiopharm (Switzerland) Experimental Therapeutics Centre (Singapore)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

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* On October 7, 2013,  the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)’s Experimental Therapeutics Centre (ETC), a center of excellence to advance and accelerate drug discovery in Singapore, and Debiopharm, a Swiss-based global biopharmaceutical company that focuses on the development of prescription drugs that target unmet medical needs including oncology as well as companion diagnostics, have announced the signature of an exclusive research collaboration to develop oral small molecules targeting new class of epigenetic modulators. Under the terms of the agreement, Debiopharm and ETC will co-finance the discovery phase of the project, whilst Debiopharm will be in charge of development.
ETC is directed by Prof. Alex Matter. He was the Global Head of Oncology Research for Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation and he played an important role in the success of several anticancer drugs, including Gleevec/Glivec® and more recently, Tasigna®. ETC was set up in 2006 to play an increasingly important role in translating early stage scientific discoveries into practical applications. From engaging in early stage drug discovery and development to developing innovative research tools for clinical analysis, as well as setting up public-private partnerships to facilitate the advancement of drug candidates, ETC augments Singapore’s capabilities and resources in the drug discovery process. ETC’s capabilities and resources are currently focused on oncology and infectious diseases. It also incubates new technologies for commercialization and mentors young scientists for careers in the pharmaceutical and biotech industry.

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