

Date: 2013-10-03

Type of information: Development agreement

Compound: novel clinical diagnostic tests

Company: MRC Technology (UK) Renishaw Diagnostics (UK)

Therapeutic area: Diagnostic - Infectious diseases

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* On October 3, 2013,MRC Technology, a technology transfer organisation, has entered into collaboration with Renishaw Diagnostics Ltd (RDL), developer of the RenDx® multiplex assay system, to identify and design novel clinical diagnostic tests for infectious disease. The agreement will benefit from the combination of RDL’s proprietary multiplex screening technology and expertise in assay development, with MRC Technology’s experience in developing early stage research for clinical application and commercialisation. The focus of the collaboration is to identify and accelerate research which has potential in infectious disease diagnostics.
The RenDx multiplex assay system is based on surface enhanced resonance Raman scattering, providing automated, multiplex, high sensitivity, in vitro screening for clinical research.

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Is general: Yes