

Date: 2013-09-16

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: cancer drugs that modulate DNA damage and repair response (DDR) processes in cancer cells

Company: Teva Pharmaceuticals (Israel) Cancer Research Technology - CRT (UK)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

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* On September 16, 2013Cancer Research Technology (CRT), Cancer Research UK’s technology development arm, and Teva Pharmaceutical Industries have signed a multi-project alliance agreement to research and develop first-in-class cancer drugs that modulate DNA damage and repair response (DDR) processes in cancer cells. Based on Cancer Research UK\'s extensive network of leading UK universities, and its five cancer research institutes (Gray Institute, Oxford; Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute; London Research Institute; Paterson Institute, Manchester; and the Beatson Institute, Glasgow), this hub will provide the foundations for CRT\'s and Teva\'s work towards developing novel therapies based on DDR-related targets for the treatment of cancer. The alliance provides Teva with the opportunity to research and develop selected and differentiated novel treatments targeting DDR processes. With a focus on mechanisms and molecular targets related to the emergence of therapeutic resistance in cancer cells, the partnership also opens up the potential to expand the clinical utility and therapeutic effectiveness of Teva’s current portfolio of oncology chemotherapeutic agents. This approach builds on Teva’s growing focus on personalized medicine throughout its R&D pipeline, and specifically within its oncology portfolio.
Building on a prior well-established working relationship, the multi-year agreement sets out the provision of new molecular targets, selected by CRT from Cancer Research UK’s portfolio of biological research in DDR. These targets will be validated to prove their therapeutic importance before progressing to the early stages of drug discovery in CRT’s Discovery Laboratories. CRT and Teva will then jointly undertake chemical lead generation activities. Under the terms of the agreement, CRT will receive research funding and be eligible to receive milestone payments, and royalties on projects advancing through Teva’s drug pipeline.

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Is general: Yes