

Date: 2014-10-14

Type of information: Milestone

Compound: antibody-based therapeutics for cancer immunotherapy

Company: Bayer (Germany) Compugen (Israel)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:




* On August 5, 2013, the israelian drug discovery company Compugen has announced the signing of a collaboration and license agreement for the research, development, and commercialization of antibody-based therapeutics for cancer immunotherapy against two novel Compugen discovered immune checkpoint regulators. Under the terms of the agreement, Bayer and Compugen will jointly pursue a preclinical research program. Subsequently, Bayer will have full control over further development and have worldwide commercialization rights for potential cancer therapeutics.
Immunotherapy is one of Bayer\'s focus areas in oncology research and the company is looking forward to expanding its portfolio in this area through partnering with Compugen. Compugen has discovered two novel immune checkpoint regulators that potentially play a key role in immunosuppression.  Researchers at Compugen are developing specific therapeutic antibodies that are geared to block the immunosuppressive function of these targets and to reactivate the patient`s anti-tumor immune response in order to fight cancer.

Financial terms:

Under the agreement Compugen will receive an upfront payment of $ 10 million, and is eligible to receive over $500 million in potential milestone payments for both programs, not including milestone payments of up to $30 million associated with preclinical activities.  Additionally, Compugen is also eligible to receive mid to high single digit royalties on global net sales of any resulting products under the collaboration.

Latest news:

* On October 14 , 2014, Compugen disclosed that it has achieved a second milestone in its cancer immunotherapy collaboration it entered last year with Bayer HealthCare. The collaboration provides for the research, development, and commercialization of antibody-based cancer therapeutics against two novel Compugen-discovered immune checkpoint regulators. The milestone being announced today relates to the second preclinical milestone for one of the checkpoint protein candidates. The achievement of the initial milestone for this candidate was announced in July of this year.

* On July 7, 2014, Compugen disclosed that it has achieved the initial milestone in the cancer immunotherapy collaboration it entered last year with Bayer. The collaboration provides for the development and commercialization of therapeutic antibodies against two checkpoint protein candidates discovered by Compugen. The milestone being announced relates to the first preclinical milestone for one of two checkpoint protein candidates for which Compugen will receive a $1.2 million payment out of the $30 million potential milestone payments associated with joint preclinical research for the two programs.

Is general: Yes