

Date: 2013-07-30

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: novel immunotherapeutics

Company: KU Leuven (Belgium) Pharmabs (Belgium) FIT Biotech (Finland)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology - Infectious diseases

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* On July 30, 2013, KU Leuven, PharmAbs, the KU Leuven antibody center and FIT Biotech have entered into a worldwide license and collaboration agreement for the development of novel immunotherapeutics based on FIT Biotech\'s proprietary Gene Transport Unit (GTU) technology for transient in vivo expression of monoclonal antibodies. The agreement provides KU Leuven with an exclusive worldwide license to six undisclosed proprietary antibodies or marketed recombinant products.
“We are extremely delighted to collaborate with FIT Biotech and build further on their powerful technology platform,” said Nick Geukens, Research Manager of PharmAbs, the KU Leuven antibody center. “Our R&D program meets the clear need for more selective and effective management strategies to combat nosocomial infections and cancer. By commercializing our R&D programs we ultimately aim to establish a new, fully-dedicated Flemish spin-off company that will be responsible for (pre)clinical development and marketing of the generated products.”

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Is general: Yes