

Date: 2013-07-15

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: natural products derived from aquatic microbial consortia

Company: AstraZeneca (UK) Biosortia Pharmaceuticals (USA)

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* On July 15, 2013,  Biosortia Pharmaceuticals has announced a research agreement with AstraZeneca to screen Biosortia\'s library of unique natural products derived from aquatic microbial consortia for evaluation against AstraZeneca\'s therapeutic targets. The agreement includes the evaluation of partially refined mixtures as well as individual compounds.
The aquatic environment is a rich source of metabolically active organisms. And aquatic microbial consortia consisting of microalgae, bacteria, and fungi and their associated secondary metabolites, are complex living ecosystems adapted for survival in a highly competitive environment. Biosortia\'s technologies make it possible to access unique biologically active compounds from these consortia that are virtually unexplored. Previously, these unique compounds with high levels of potency and potentially novel mechanisms of action have not been accessible. AstraZeneca will evaluate Biosortia\'s unique compounds and fractions for activity against a number of therapeutic targets.

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Is general: Yes