

Date: 2013-07-16

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: Duplex gene therapy vector technology - Intra-Strand Base-Pairing technology

Company: Genzyme (USA - MA), a Sanofi company (France) Asklepios BioPharmaceutical (USA - NC)

Therapeutic area: Technology - Services

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AskBio’s Duplex vector technology allows a gene therapy Adeno-Associated Viral vector (AAV) to package and deliver more potent therapeutic DNA cargo to a patient’s cells. The Duplex vectors have been shown to bypass an intracellular-synthesis step necessary for converting a single-stranded DNA genome into a double-stranded genome. This advancement results in faster onset and higher levels of gene expression.



* On July 16, 2013Asklepios BioPharmaceutical has entered into a non-exclusive cross-license agreement with Genzyme, a Sanofi company, in which Genzyme receives rights to AskBio’s Duplex gene therapy vector technology for its internal product development and external sublicensing. Genzyme plans to use the Duplex vector technology for its internal product development research.
Additionally under this agreement, AskBio receives rights to Genzyme’s Intra-Strand Base-Pairing technology, which also supports packaging of DNA double-stranded genomes within an AAV-based gene therapy vector. The rights obtained from Genzyme by AskBio strengthen and broaden the basis with which AskBio may continue its use and sub-license of Duplex vectors for internal clinical development, as well as external partnerships and collaborations.

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Is general: Yes