

Date: 2013-07-15

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: novel engineered botulinum toxins

Company: Ipsen (France) Harvard Medical School (USA - MA)

Therapeutic area: Neurological diseases

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* On July 15, 2013, Ipsen has announced that it has initiated a research and development collaboration on novel engineered botulinum toxins with Harvard Medical School (Harvard). Under the terms of the agreement, Ipsen will fund Harvard research for at least three years with the aim to discover, evaluate and develop novel engineered recombinant botulinum toxins for the treatment of serious neurologic diseases. The collaboration will combine Harvard’s discovery platform and botulinum toxins engineering expertise with Ipsen’s know-how in drug discovery and pharmaceutical R&D. 
Ipsen will have exclusive worldwide rights on any candidate recombinant toxin stemming from the collaboration. Ipsen will be responsible for the development and marketing of the new toxins and will make associated upfront, milestones and royalty payments to Harvard.

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Is general: Yes