

Date: 2013-07-15

Type of information: Production agreement

Compound: vaccines

Company: ARTES Biotechnology (Germany) Bio Farma (Indonesia)

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases

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* On July 15, 2013, Artes and Bio Farma have announced they are joining forces for the development and manufacturing of vaccine candidates. The agreed collaboration involved the strength of both partners. Artes is specialized in cell line and process development, VLP based vaccines as well as in technology transfer for pharmaceutically relevant production processes whereas Bio Farma is involved in the manufacturing of vaccines, serum and other biological products for the Indonesian domestic and international markets.
Under this commitment a first agreement for VLP based vaccine technology transfer was signed on July 1st in Bandung, Indonesia. Artes expects that especially developments based on its Metavax® technology will contribute to Bio Farma´s vaccine portfolio. Metavax®  is a patent protected VLP technology, based on modifications to duck hepatitis B virus. The approach elicits a highly potent immune response and therefore a broader protection than the currently available VLP approaches. ARTES´ Metavax® platform is suitable for the development and production of safe and cost-effective vaccines.
Bio Farma is Indonesia\'s only vaccine and antisera producer for human. Currently, the needs for Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) vaccines in Indonesia supplied solely by Bio Farma by manufacturing and distributing over 1.7 billion doses of vaccine annually to meet the needs of EPI vaccine in the national immunization program.

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Is general: Yes