

Date: 2013-07-02

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: cell preservation technology

Company: Sirona Biochem (Canada) Biogalenys (France)

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* On July 2, 2013, Sirona Biochem has announcde the signing of a Letter of Intent (LOI) for a collaboration with Biogalenys. The goal of the collaboration is to study Sirona Biochem’s patented glycoprotein (cell preservation) technology and to develop preclinical data supporting multiple targeted applications. Using its proprietary chemistry technique, Sirona Biochem has developed and patented a cell preservation technology that (early tests have shown) protects human fibroblast cells from damage in stressed environments.  Potential applications of this technology include, but are not limited to: anti-aging cream, sunscreen / UV protection, wound care, reduced scarring, frostbite protection, stem cell preservation, beta islet cell preservation, platelet and red blood cell preservation, and increased preservation times for tissue explants and organ transplantation.
The proposed 3 year collaboration will focus on first studying the application of Sirona Biochem’s cell preservation technology for use as a cosmetic anti-aging active ingredient and as a preservative adjuvant for tissue explants.

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Is general: Yes